31 July 2011

5000 words

Some bits are still long quotations that can be cut/massaged/edited. Some bits are notes to myself (what was the status of the duchy of Lorraine at this time?). But it's 5000 words. And I'm still not done with the first section, though I am getting close.

All week I've been feeling a queasy mixture of dismay and excitement. Is it . . . ? Could I be . . .? I didn't think . . . . Was it when . . . ? It might be fun to . . . . After all, lots of people manage it. . . . I just didn't imagine it this way, right now . . . but, really, it is exciting!

There's no official confirmation yet (it may still be too early for that), but I strongly suspect that I am With Book.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Is there a test you can take to see if you're with book or not?