17 January 2010


The first week of classes went well, and included a lot of work on the house, because that was when we could get some stuff scheduled. So I spent all weekend painting walls, as we had to move furniture anyway, and really, once you've moved the furniture, why not paint? The living-dining area is now yellow (most of it), and one wall in my study is orange. The yellow is greener than I had hoped for, and the orange is . . . very zippy. That was what I wanted, though, something to wake me up and make me cheerful on cold grey mornings. If you're good I'll post some pictures, after everything's finished off (more professional work on the house yet to come, and after that I'll have to touch up some paint).

But right now I am super-tired. Next up: fix dinner. After that: bath and bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, how wonderful! Nothing like a fresh coat of paint. Fingers crossed for pictures...