10 May 2010


I've been buried in grading and Kalamazoo paper for days, with occasional forays into the interwebs for consolation. I completely understand, after the recent kerfuffle, why the Bittersweet Girl would go to a password-protected blog. But if there was a moment to request the password, I missed it. BG, is it too late? Send me an e-mail? Bon voyage!


Ink said...

I can't get on there, either. What happened? Usually she just protects the post...but why the whole blog? I'm worried!

Dame Eleanor Hull said...

Ink: I don't know what blogs you read, but for what's going on with BG, see http://www.historiann.com/2010/05/07/this-looks-like-a-job-for-downer-prof/ and http://scienceblogs.com/isisthescientist/2010/05/and_now_a_less_than_gentle_rem.php

I didn't want to link in the post itself, because I'm sure BG doesn't want anymore attention drawn to this. I'd go password-protected too.

undine said...

I've read BG's blog for a while, but I don't know the password.

Ink said...

Thanks for the background, DEH. That is indeed a kerfuffle. Oh, crap.

The Bittersweet Girl said...

Dame -- Thanks for your concern. I've just taken my blog -- temporarily, I hope -- off public view because a couple of bloggers have gone on the attack against me and their readers were leaving nasty comments and the whole thing was just very upsetting and I thought, I've got enough crap to deal with in RL right now ...

I hope to return once things settle down!

The Bittersweet Girl said...

P.S. It wasn't Historiann that set this off -- I love Historiann!

Maude said...

BSG--hope to see you back soon!! Sorry Dame Eleanor for piggybacking on this. :) Love you, too!

Janice said...

Just chiming in to add my support to Bittersweet Girl. You don't deserve the drubbing that some holier than thou bloggers were bringing.

Renaissance Girl said...

One more note of support BSG. What a bizarre overreaction to what seemed to me a genuine show of concern for the student.